TSR Alerts & Map – Now Available


TSR Map and Alerts

Rail Record now shows data from the publicly available Temporary Speed Restrictions feed to members of the website. Through the member area it is possible to view a map of Temporary Speed Restrictions across the UK rail network.

For pro members, a comprehensive table is also available, showing passenger and freight permissible speeds, mileage and chainage, line/direction and reason for the TSR implementation.

TSR Alert Emails

In a similar format to the Daily STP Update emails, TSR alerts are sent listing all new restrictions. TSR alerts are sent once a week, on Friday mornings. The table on the map page will indicate new TSRs marked prominently. Due to additional expenses incurred, TSR alerts and the table are available to pro members only.

Pro members can set a TSR alert via the Member Area alert page. Not already a member? Join to get started for free.

The TSR Map

The TSR data feed is rather isolated from other feeds, in that it doesn’t directly integrate with anything else. It has no direct relation to schedules and it doesn’t use TIPLOCS or any other rail related location term (because TSRs can start and end between TIPLOCS).

Nor does the TSR data have map co-ordianates. However the data does have route codes – references to particular lines. I have spent some time mapping these to longitude and latitude to show on the map, but as this is a time consuming and involved process, not all TSRs will be shown on the map. The table however, is comprehensive. Yes some map pins may be well out, I have noticed a few already and will update the map tables accordingly.

Future Development

The Temporary Speed Restriction data is not only limited in terms of usability but demand isn’t particularly high either. But I do have other ideas to apply the data to existing Rail Record services.

The TSR map and alerts were part of the July 2023 member area refresh which consisted of updated page design and easier access to past sightings. Not a pro member yet? Get 25% off your first month/year with coupon SEPTEMBER2023 at the checkout.

Author: matt

Owner of Rail Record

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